Is New World’s PVP Balanced

If someone claims that the PVP balance is satisfactory, they’re likely using a bow, musket, fire staff, or are dedicated healers or tanks unconcerned about dealing damage.

To truly gauge the balance, equip light melee gear, participate in at least ten Outpost Rushes (OPRs), and then come back to affirm that the balance is acceptable.

When half of your health vanishes in just two shots from a bow or fire staff, despite having the best-in-slot gear and gems, it’s evident that the balance is skewed.

I’m willing to accept dealing 50% less damage once I get closer to ranged opponents, but they should also suffer a 50% reduction in their damage output. This way, I could have a fair chance in OPR.

Dealing 5-6 or 7K damage doesn’t make sense when you’re a light melee with gear score (GS). By the time you reach a bow or fire staff user, your health has plummeted from 18-20K to 10K New World gold coins.

So, you, a fully geared light melee with 10K HP (half depleted while approaching), versus a fully geared bow or fire staff user with 17-18K HP:

  • You land a hit, and they’re at 13K health.
  • They hit you, and you’re down to 6K health.
  • You strike again, and they’re at 8K health.
  • They stun you, retreat rapidly, hit you again, and you’re either dead or have 1-2K HP left. Trying to escape or pursue is equally perilous. You also need to occasionally rely on “heavy attacks” to deal significant damage.

Now, where is the balance in this situation, even as a fully equipped and dedicated PVP player?

Bonus Scenario: Suppose your team lacks healers or has only one healer, and you’re a light melee.

  • If you engage their bruisers, you’re dead in 1-2 seconds.
  • If you target their healers in the backline, you’re still likely to die because their 3-4 ranged players will protect them.
  • Chasing their ranged players in the backline might yield one kill if you’re lucky to approach with full HP, but then their healers will ensure your swift demise.
  • Ultimately, it’s a “404 not found” situation.

So, where’s the balance and enjoyment of being a light melee in OPR? More in