World of Warcraft TBC Mining Guide

Mining is a profession that allows you to locate and mine various Ores, Raw Gems, and Stones from resource nodes and certain mobs (Ore Skinning) that are scattered across the World of Warcraft platform. Being one of the most efficient primary skills, the materials obtained from mining and the items that can be created by miners are reagents that are required for recipes within the other professions. The following guide will show you the fastest way to train your Shadowlands Mining profession from levels 1 to 375 in this wow TBC mining guide.

Mining Trainers

You can learn the Mining profession from any of the following trainers listed, depending upon your respective factions. Alternatively, you can always walk up to a guard in the central city and ask them for the precise location – which will then add a red flag marker on your map for this wow TBC mining guide.

Horde Faction Trainers: Makaru in Orgrimmar, Brom Killian in Undercity, Brek Stonehoof in Thunder Bluff, Johan Focht in Silverpine Forest, Krunn in Durotar, Pikkle in Tanaris, and Belil in Silvermoon City.

Alliance Faction Trainers: Geofram Bouldertoe in Ironforge, Gelman Stonehand in Stormwind City, Kurdram Stonehammer in Darkshore, Matt Johnson in Duskwood, Yarr Hammerstone in Dun Morogh, Pikkle in Tanaris, and Muaat in The Exodar.

TBC Trainers: Horde Faction players can learn the TBC Mining skill from Hurnak Grimmord at the Honor Hold (Hellfire Peninsula), and the Alliance Faction players can learn it from Krugosh at Thrallmar (Hellfire Peninsula) in this mining leveling guide TBC.

Levels 1 to 290: Alternate Method

You can always skip the first 290 levels by smelting ores, but do keep in mind that this method is quite expensive. Also, if you are collecting ores for Jewel Crafting, or you want to simply mine to gain your levels, then you can skip this section. Most of the smelting recipes are either yellow or green, so listing the exact number of ores required is not possible for this mining leveling guide TBC. However, here is an approximate number.

From levels 1 to 65, you can Smelt Copper. From levels 65 to 75, you can Smelt Tin. From levels 75 to 105, you can Smelt Bronze. From levels 105 to 125, you can Smelt Silver. From levels 125 to 155, you can Smelt Iron. From levels 155 to 175, you can Smelt Gold. From levels 175 to 200, you can Smelt Mithril. From levels 200 to 230, you can continue Smelting Mithril (after learning Artisan Mining from your respective trainers). From levels 230 to 250, you can Smelt True Silver. Finally, from levels 250 to 290, you can Smelt Thorium.

Levels 1 to 65

You can start off by heading to one of the following zones; Durotar, Mulgore, Tirisfal Glades, Elywnn Forest, Darkshore, Dun Morogh, or any other starter zone, as each one of them has Copper Ore that can be gathered. Players who are playing as Night Elves have to wait until they reach the Darkshore region to level their Mining because Teldrassil doesn’t have any Copper Ore.

Levels 65 to 165

First, visit your respective faction trainers and learn the art of Journeyman Mining. The ores available at Hillsbrad Foothills, Redridge Mountains, Ashenvale, and The Barrens are; Tin Ore, Copper Ore, and Silver Ore. You have to gather ores here until you reach level 125 in the Mining Profession.

Levels 125 to 175

Now visit your respective faction trainers and learn the art of Expert Mining. The ores available at the Arathi Highlands, Desolace, and Thousand Needles are; Tin Ore, Iron Ore, and Gold Ore. You have to gather ores here until you reach level 175 in the Mining Profession.

Levels 175 to 245

It’s time to visit your respective faction trainers and learn the art of Artisan Mining. The ores available at The Hinterlands and Tanaris are; Mithril Ore and True SIlver Ore. You have to gather ores here until you reach level 245 in the Mining Profession.

Levels 245 to 275

You need to now head to either; Un’Goro Crater, Blasted Lands, or Felwood to gather Mithril Ore, True Silver Ore, and Thorium Ore till you reach level 275 in the Mining Profession. The routes are shown in the given picture to make the process easier for you.

Levels 275 to 300

It’s time to switch to Thorium Ore and Mithril Ore, and you can also mine Rich Thorium Veins now. From levels 275 to 300, you have to gather ores in Un’goro Crater, Eastern Plaguelands, Winterspring, or Burning Steppes.

Levels 300 to 325

You have to now learn the TBC Mining skill from Hurnak Grimmord of the Alliance faction at Honor Hold (Hellfire Peninsula), or Krugosh of the Horde faction at Thrallmar (Hellfire Peninsula). Once you do, you can take any of the following routes. However, it is recommended that you use Route #1 and #2 if your character level is 70 and you have access to a flying mount. Both the routes have Fel Iron ores, so there’s not much of a difference. Also, if you don’t have access to a flying mount and your character level is lower than 70, you can take Route #3.

Levels 325 to 350

In the Terokkar Forest, you will find a few Rich Adamantite Nodes that cannot be mined until you are level 350 in the Mining profession. Also, they spawn in areas that are accessible by flying mounts, so players that are low in combat level will have no issues here. The areas available for these levels are; Zangarmarsh, Terokkar Forest (Flying Mount), and Terokkar Forest (Without Flying Mount).

Levels 350 to 375

Finally, it is recommended that you achieve the final levels in Nagrand, Shadowmoon Valley, or Netherstorm. The following routes are for players with access to flying mounts, and you can mine anything here except Khorium. So, if you are not character level 70, it’s best that you focus on levelling up and obtaining a flying mount since it’s not worth moving forward if you haven’t filled in these requirements. However, alternatively, if you want to reach level 375 with a low-level character, then stick to Terokkar Forest or Zangarmarsh, because of the Adamantite and Fel Iron ores that they offer.

My Former Addiction to World of Warcraft

There was a time in my life that was wasted on doing nothing but playing games. At the time, my former significant other and I had a PlayStation 2, which was pretty awesome, but it was nothing compared to what I believed was the best game in the universe: World of Warcraft. I didn’t work. I didn’t go to school. My partner at the time worked long military hours, and sometimes he was away for weeks at a time for training purposes. Well, that left me and the computer…and World of Warcraft.

I played everyday. I played for hours. And you know, nothing seemed wrong with it at the time. I even had some people in the game who fell in love with my Human Paladin. Ah yes, he would send me love letters and random trinkets he would find throughout his journeys. At the time, I thought it was cute in a way and somewhat flattering…but when I look back on that, (being the rational person I feel to be today), I see that the whole thing was ridiculous. Plain ridiculous.

I had a character that I taught how to fish in the game. I remember having my character sit on a fishing deck and cast a line, which lasted for hours. Yea, to get the good fish, you had to fish for a long time. While you’re playing World of Warcraft, I think you forget what reality is. It’s just you, you and your character. Or you manifested through your character. Whatever it is, it’s really weird now that I think about it. And it’s very wrong. I did a little light research online, and discovered that there are actually addicts of World of Warcraft. There is a whole website dedicated to postings of anonymous users that write about their triumphs and failures at cutting the WOW habit. It’s affecting people’s lives in a negative way. It’s funny how seemingly harmless a game could be, but how tragic it’s results could be. I heard a strange audio clip on the internet recently of a young man and his family having a terrible argument concerning WOW and him waking up late for school. The boy went ballistic, the parents were infuriated, and the family was just….in pieces. Can a game really do that? Well, the simple answer is yes. The more one becomes entangled in a fantasy world, the harder it is to get back to reality.

In the game, in order to attack a character you have to right click on them and then a red circle appears at the feet of the enemy. Hell, I used to imagine right-clicking on people in my own life that I despised and casting some wicked mage powers upon them. “Yea…a little bit of a fire blast, some arcane shots….maybe a few blows to the head with my staff….”

Now THAT is sad.

I actually leveled up my little cute pig-tailed gnome mage to level 40, but then I had to give the significant other “the boot”, and he took the computer with him, so I never saw my little gnome friend again. Recently, however, I did download the trial version. I thought it would be as neat as the first time I became immersed in it. It’s actually a little stale. I don’t know if it’s because I have so much going on in my life right now…a husband in the military, a relocation placement, job transfers, what have you…but for whatever reason, World of Warcraft isn’t what it used to be. And to be honest, I’m relieved. I’m relieved because that means that I won’t secretly fall into that strange trap of fun and fantasy that seems to grab people from the get-go.

I’m just glad I’m not one of those people on the forums writing about how many times they uninstall and reinstall the World of Warcraft game. Yea…I’d rather be addicted to Starbucks. At least I can share a cup of warm coffee with a warm-blooded being as opposed to interacting with fantasy characters which, in the end, will bring you nothing but regret.

How to Farm Gold by Mining at Darkshore in World of Warcraft

Over 8 million people play World of Warcraft, and for most, their number one beef is the inability for lower level starter players to earn money on their server. For low level characters in Darkshore, mining is a terrific way to quickly bump up your gold stash. Make sure that you have a mining pick and the mining skill from the trainer in town and head out to the moonkin. There are quests all around the moonkin but you’ll mainly be circling this moonkin section over and over again until you are no longer getting experience points for killing them. Experience is secondary to what we are after.

After you pick up your mining skill and mining pick, head toward the moonkin and make sure your “Find Minerals” skill is equipped. Kill moonkin on your path to hit all the dots that come up on your mini map. You will find 90% copper mines, with the occasional tin and silver spawn. By doing endless circles around the caves where the moonkin are you can gather stacks of ore in an hour, plus you will be gathering the light feather that the moonkin will drop when you kill them. They will also drop small eggs, but they rarely bring gold on the auction house unless you are in the middle of Christmas where they go for a high amount due to the eggnog and the christmas cookie recipes that will float around.

Mining copper and farming light feather can net you around 5-10 gold an hour, which for a low level newcomer is a good starter profession and can up your bounty before you head into harder areas. This can purchase some higher tier armor so that the upcoming areas are easier.

Typically prices will vary widely depending on the server that you are playing on, and the economy of the auction house. On my server, Feathermoon, these are the current auction house prices on World of Warcraft for the things you will get farming gold at the moonkin caves in Darkshore.

light feather 3-4 gold a stack of 20

copper ore 3- 3.5 gold a stack of 20

copper bar 1-2 gold a stack of 20

This is a good way to get your quests done, your experience raised quickly for the area, and net you some quick and easy gold while going through Darkshore on your way to your next town. For it all to work, you must have mining skill, however the light feathers will drop for anyone and you can farm them no matter what skills you decided to have on your character. Good luck.