Understanding Tower Placement and Functionality in Myth of Empires

Myth of Empires is an immersive survival game where players must strategize and fortify their bases against various threats, including raids from other players. One crucial aspect of base defense is the utilization of towers, which can provide a significant advantage when placed strategically. In this guide, we’ll delve into the mechanics of towers in Myth of Empires, covering their placement, settings, and effectiveness.

Tower Types and Unlocking:

Towers in Myth of Empires come in different types, each offering unique advantages in terms of damage output and range. Players start with simple watchtowers and gradually unlock more advanced variants as they progress through the game. The progression typically involves unlocking upgrades through guild tech, requiring resources and time investment.

• Simple Watchtower: The basic tower available at the beginning of the game, offering modest damage and range. It serves as a starting point for base defense.

• Clay Watchtower: A step up from the simple watchtower, providing improved damage and range. Unlockable through guild tech advancements.

• Masonry Arrow Tower: A more advanced tower with increased damage potential, ideal for mid-game base defense strategies.

• Glazed Tile Arrow Tower: The pinnacle of tower technology, offering the highest damage output and range. Unlocked at later stages of the game progression.

Understanding Tower Placement:

Effective tower placement is essential for maximizing their defensive capabilities. Towers should be positioned strategically to cover all angles of approach to the base. Consider the following guidelines when placing towers:

• Outward Facing: Towers should face outward to defend against incoming threats. Ensure that the frontal arc of the tower covers the desired direction of attack.

• Coverage Area: Design your base layout to ensure that towers provide overlapping coverage, minimizing blind spots where enemies could evade detection and attack.

• Corner Placement: Placing towers at the corners of the base provides optimal coverage and prevents enemies from exploiting vulnerabilities in the defense perimeter.

Tower Settings and Functionality:

Towers in Myth of Empires come with a range of settings that allow players to customize their behavior and target priorities. Understanding these settings is crucial for optimizing tower effectiveness:

• Attack Parameters: Players can specify whether towers target hostile units, neutral units (such as animals), or player units. Additionally, there’s an option to target special structures, such as siege equipment or enemy bases.

• Attack Back: A recent addition to the game, this setting enables towers to retaliate against attackers, prioritizing defense over passive observation.

• Range Adjustment: Players can adjust the range of towers to cover specific areas more effectively. Higher ranges allow for broader coverage but may consume more resources.

Utilizing NPCs:

Players can enhance tower effectiveness by assigning NPCs to operate them. NPCs with high willpower stats are ideal candidates for tower operation, as they can improve damage output. Additionally, NPCs placed in watchtowers can serve as an early warning system, alerting players to nearby threats.


In Myth of Empires, towers play a vital role in base defense, providing a formidable deterrent against would-be raiders. By understanding tower mechanics, placement strategies, and settings, players can fortify their bases effectively and withstand enemy assaults. Whether it’s the humble simple watchtower or the formidable glazed tile arrow tower, each structure contributes to the overall security of the base. With careful planning and execution, players can create impregnable fortresses that stand the test of time in the harsh world of Myth of Empires.

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Mastering Ship Ranks Guide in Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones, the naval warfare game set in the treacherous seas of the Indian Ocean, brings players into a world of cutthroat piracy, daring sea battles, and strategic ship management. Within this realm, mastering your ship’s rank is crucial for success, whether you’re navigating the choppy waters as a lone pirate or commanding a fearsome fleet.

In Skull and Bones, players encounter multiple leveling systems, including infamy rank and ship rank. Ship rank, in particular, is pivotal, influencing the capabilities and effectiveness of your vessel in combat and exploration. Understanding how to interpret and elevate your ship rank can mean the difference between ruling the waves and sinking into obscurity.

Ship rank in Skull and Bones is determined by various factors, starting with the base rank of the ship you command. Each vessel, from the nimble Badar to the Ramama to the formidable Bomber Deer, boasts a specific base rank. For instance, the Ramama begins as a rank one ship, while the Bomber Deer sets sail with a more prestigious rank of five. As players progress and acquire larger, more formidable ships, the base rank increases accordingly.

To manage and upgrade your ship effectively, familiarity with the in-game interface is essential. When docked at an outpost, players can access the ship management menu by holding down the designated button on their controller. Within this menu, players can oversee various aspects of their vessel, from setting sail to managing cargo. Crucially, this menu provides access to categories such as furniture, armor, and weapons, all of which contribute to increasing your ship rank.

Elevating your ship’s rank involves strategic decision-making regarding your ship’s armaments and amenities. By acquiring blueprints and gathering the necessary materials, players can craft powerful weapons at the blacksmith and equip them for their ships. Additionally, investing in higher rarity armor and furniture enhances your ship’s capabilities and further boosts its rank.

The number of slots available for weapons and furniture varies depending on the size of the ship. Smaller vessels like the Ramama offer limited slots, whereas larger ships boast greater capacity for customization. Maximizing these slots with potent weapons and luxurious furnishings is integral to optimizing your ship’s rank and overall effectiveness in combat scenarios.

Navigating the ship management menu allows players to assess the impact of their equipment choices on their ship rank. When selecting weapons or armor, the interface provides visual cues indicating whether equipping a particular item will enhance or diminish your ship’s rank. This real-time feedback enables players to make informed decisions that align with their strategic objectives.

In the pursuit of elevating ship rank, acquiring blueprints and gathering materials emerge as primary objectives. Players must scour the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean, seeking out elusive blueprints and resource-rich locales. Whether engaging in daring raids on rival vessels or scouring remote islands for hidden treasures, the path to ship improvement is fraught with peril and opportunity.

Ultimately, mastering ship rank in Skull and Bones demands a blend of tactical acumen and resource management. By crafting a vessel that maximizes its rank through superior armaments and luxurious amenities, players can dominate the high seas with unparalleled prowess. As captains chart their course through the perilous waters of the Indian Ocean, the quest for supremacy hinges on their ability to command ships of unparalleled power and prestige.

For more guides and all the latest news on Skull and Bones or to buy Skull and Bones Silver, check out MMOexp.com.

Ravendawn Online: Tips, Tricks, and Hidden Stores

Greetings, fellow adventurers of Ravendawn Online! In this article, we’ll delve into the wealth of knowledge obtained during a recent gameplay session, uncovering hidden secrets, essential tips, and valuable information that can enhance your gaming experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the world of Ravendawn, there’s something for everyone in this comprehensive guide.

The Enigmatic Private Lounge:

During a recent gaming session, our intrepid explorer stumbled upon a secret store known as the Private Lounge within the Freeloader Syndicate in Sebr. Here, players can encounter Greedy Jackson, a merchant offering powerful runes. These runes provide a permanent boost to specific attributes, making them valuable assets for players seeking to maximize their character’s potential.

The discovery of this Private Lounge was made possible through diligent questing on Harbor Island. Although the exact method to unlock this hidden gem remains a mystery, it is believed that completing quests in the Harbor Island area and consulting the artifacts journal may hold the key. The discord community is encouraged to share their findings in the comments section for further exploration.

The J Keybind Revelation:

In a previous video, the importance of the J keybind was highlighted. This keybind allows players to track and view their artifacts easily. The artifacts play a crucial role in unlocking various features and areas within the game, such as the Private Lounge. By diligently pursuing quests and exploring Harbor Island, players may stumble upon the means to unlock this elusive location.

Essence of Raven Cards:

A frequently asked question revolves around acquiring Raven cards and the associated Down Essence. To obtain Down Essence, players can break down unused equipment by speaking to Selenia. This NPC will convert discarded gear into valuable Down Essence, a Ravendawn Silver currency used to purchase Raven cards.

The Raven store, accessible through the Raven icon on the bottom right, offers Raven packs that can be bought using Down Essence. Opening these packs reveals a variety of cards, each with its unique abilities. Additionally, players can upgrade their cards using Raven shards obtained from duplicate cards.

Navigating the Winds of Sailing:

Embarking on maritime adventures in Ravendawn Online offers more than just picturesque views of the open sea. Players can gain a speed bonus by sailing in the direction of the wind, as indicated by the W icon on the top right corner of the screen. Understanding wind direction can significantly enhance sailing efficiency and expedite your journey across the expansive game world.

UI Customization:

Customizing your user interface (UI) is a vital aspect of optimizing your gaming experience. Ravendawn Online allows players to adjust their ability bars and UI layout to suit individual preferences. By accessing the settings menu and navigating to the Windows tab, players can expand the number of ability bars to six, providing ample space for skills and items. Additionally, the “Edit UI” option allows players to arrange UI elements according to their liking.

Social Filtering:

To streamline the player’s visual experience, Ravendawn Online offers a filtering option for social interactions. Players can choose to display or hide specific categories of characters, such as trade pack carriers, players with wagons, or those engaged in player killing (PK). This feature enables players to focus on the aspects of the game that matter most to them, creating a cleaner and more personalized gaming environment.


As we conclude this journey through the secrets and tips of Ravendawn Online, we hope that these insights will prove invaluable in your adventures. From uncovering hidden stores and maximizing character potential to navigating the winds of sailing and customizing your UI, there’s always more to discover in the vast and dynamic world of Ravendawn. Share your tips, tricks, and discoveries in the comments below, and may your adventures in Ravendawn be both thrilling and rewarding. Happy gaming!

Comprehensive Feedback on Post-Patch Vaults and Overall Dungeons for Diablo 4 S4 and Beyond

Venturing into the world of Diablo 4, the recent patches have introduced significant changes to Vaults and overall Dungeons, sparking a range of sentiments from players. While Vaults now offer a more engaging experience compared to Nightmare Dungeons (NMD), some aspects could use refinement as we look ahead to Diablo 4 Season 4 and beyond.

Monster Density:
Vaults set a benchmark with their exemplary monster density, especially in the final room. However, many NMDs fall short in this aspect, lacking the thrill of speedy fun builds and mass AoE destruction. Addressing this disparity is crucial for maintaining the core essence of ARPGs and ensuring a consistently enjoyable experience across different dungeon types.

Rooms with 0 Loot & 0 EXP:
The inclusion of rooms with no loot or experience from monsters, particularly in NMDs, has been met with mixed feelings. These areas, such as NMD transition rooms with mandatory monster clearances, feel more like artificial roadblocks than integral parts of the gaming experience. Proposing their removal and focusing on enhancing overall dungeon density could streamline gameplay and eliminate unnecessary impediments.

Vault Traps:
Linking traps in Vaults to a currency system influencing end rewards seems logical in theory but has proven less satisfying in practice. The impact varies among classes, with some benefiting more than others. Moving traps to core game dungeons, coupled with a moderate increase in damage based on NMD level, could ensure a more universally appealing and challenging experience.

Back-Tracking / Dungeon Layout:
One prominent concern centers around the extent of backtracking required in NMDs, creating a stark contrast with the more linear design of Vaults. Streamlining dungeon layouts and minimizing unnecessary backtracking should be a priority, as it significantly influences the overall pacing and enjoyment of the game.

Dungeon Objectives:
Dungeon objectives in NMDs, particularly those requiring the player to kill all enemies or bring multiple items to a location, have faced criticism. Teleportation issues and bugs related to monster spawns need addressing, and reconsidering the design of objectives involving multiple items could alleviate frustration and improve overall player experience.

Dungeon Events:
The inclusion of events in dungeons has been met with mixed reviews, with concerns about slow timers, low density, and weak NPCs. While events could remain as optional activities, adjustments to timers, density, and rewards would enhance their appeal without causing unnecessary backtracking.

Despite improvements following a glyph exp buff, leveling glyphs still feels somewhat sluggish, especially for classes utilizing numerous glyphs. A modest exp boost for glyphs could address this issue, providing a more balanced progression experience for players who enjoy experimenting with different builds.

NMD Sigils and Lack of Sigils Filter:
Introducing a filter system allowing players to choose desired affixes for NMD sigils would provide a more personalized and efficient experience. Additionally, addressing anti-fun affixes like Stormbane’s Wrath and Lightning Storm could contribute to a more enjoyable loot hunt.

Chests, particularly small ones, currently lack meaningful rewards, leading many players to ignore them. Enhancing loot quality from all chests, including the possibility of dropping rare materials or cosmetic items, would incentivize players to explore and interact with these elements of the game.

Click-Only Doors & 2-Step Shrines:
Reducing the number of click-only doors and reconsidering the 2-step shrines could contribute to a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience, eliminating minor inconveniences that collectively impact overall pacing.

Running Back After Death:
Balancing death penalties and respawn mechanics, especially in NMDs, is crucial to prevent excessive frustration. A potential solution could involve adjusting respawn locations to strike a balance between maintaining the penalty’s significance and avoiding unnecessary run-backs.

Dungeons and Bosses Variety:
Diversifying dungeon tile-sets and introducing more in-dungeon bosses with unique mechanics would add a refreshing layer of variety to the gameplay. This would enhance the overall immersive experience by ensuring dungeons look and feel distinct from one another.

The inclusion of the Butcher adds a dynamic element to dungeon experiences, but increasing its spawn frequency and scaling for higher difficulty levels could intensify encounters and elevate the overall thrill.

Interaction Cast Times:
Streamlining interaction cast times, particularly in scenarios where they seem redundant, would contribute to a smoother and more fluid gaming experience. Reducing or removing unnecessary cast times would cater to a broader audience and align better with the current state of the game.

In summary, addressing these key points would contribute to refining the dungeons and overall gameplay experience in Diablo 4 Season 4 and future iterations. The Diablo community eagerly awaits the evolution of the game, and implementing player feedback is crucial in shaping a gaming environment that resonates with both veterans and newcomers alike. Read “D4 Season of the Construct” and “Diablo 4 Gold Farm Season 3” here, We look forward to Season 4 together.

Embracing the Challenge: Conquering Elden Ring as a Tree Sentinel

In the vast and unforgiving world of Elden Ring, players encounter challenges that test their skills, adaptability, and creativity. One such challenge, perhaps unexpected and unconventional, is taking control of the formidable Tree Sentinel. In this article, we’ll delve into the unique experience of playing as the Tree Sentinel, overcoming iconic bosses, and the unexpected twists that arise in this daring venture.

The Unlikely Hero: Tree Sentinel:

The Tree Sentinel, typically a fearsome adversary for players, becomes an unlikely hero in this daring challenge. The article opens with a bold statement – the Tree Sentinel is every new player’s worst nightmare. However, the narrative takes a twist as the player assumes control of this colossal entity, turning it into a force to be reckoned with.

Navigating the Challenges:

The article explores the rules of the challenge: playing on the highest difficulty, and the commitment to defeating the Elden Beast. As the player engages in battles with iconic bosses, the narrative unfolds with a mix of humor and excitement. The Tree Sentinel’s unique abilities, like knocking down trees effortlessly, add a layer of unexpected joy to the gameplay.

Discovering the Tree Sentinel’s Moves:

The author highlights the expanded moveset of the Tree Sentinel compared to a previous playthrough as a Revenant. With a focus on the Sentinel’s defensive capabilities, the article discusses the significance of stance breaks and the tactical advantage they bring to the battlefield.

Surprising Strategies:

A surprising strategy emerges during the fight with Godric, showcasing the Tree Sentinel’s ability to heal itself. The author’s realization of using healing abilities strategically to match the opponent’s bulkiness adds depth to the gameplay and showcases the versatility of the Tree Sentinel.

Boss Showdowns:

The article takes readers through intense boss battles, each with its unique set of challenges. From the Draconic Tree Sentinel to Goldfree and beyond, the narrative captures the essence of each encounter, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and the player’s evolving strategies.

The Fire Giant Conundrum:

The Fire Giant battle is explored as a war of attrition, emphasizing the Tree Sentinel’s healing abilities. The narrative skillfully navigates through the challenges posed by the fiery foe, showcasing the resilience of the Tree Sentinel in the face of adversity.

Confronting the Godskin Duo:

The Godskin Duo proves to be a formidable challenge, with the article detailing the strategic use of lightning attacks and the unique dynamics of the battle. The author admits to using unconventional methods, adding a touch of humor to the narrative.

Triumph over Malakith:

The encounter with Malakith is presented as a nerve-wracking experience, highlighting the importance of pillars as a strategic advantage. The narrative builds tension as the protagonist narrowly avoids Malakith’s powerful attacks, showcasing the thrilling moments in the game.

The Climactic Elden Beast Battle:

The article crescendos to the climactic battle against the Elden Beast, weaving together elements of speed, strategy, and creativity. The narrative captures the excitement of outrunning the Elden stars and using Fireballs to counter the beast’s evasive maneuvers.


In the concluding section, the author reflects on the unexpected journey of conquering Elden Ring as the Tree Sentinel. The narrative celebrates the triumphs, acknowledges the challenges, and ultimately highlights the joy and satisfaction of mastering the game unconventionally. The Tree Sentinel, once a nightmare for players, becomes a symbol of resilience, adaptability, and the thrill of embracing unexpected challenges in the world of Elden Ring.

Follow the MMOexp Team to explore the world of Elden Ring and get more Elden Ring Runes and rewards. Let’s set sail together.